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Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to Control Dandruff

Dandruff is common problem in winter and to get away from that problem and make your hair shine with good health is important. Here are some tips to make your hair shiny and beautiful:

One must have basic knowledge about hair and its condition especially in winter season. In winter the hair problem becomes double compared to that of other seasons where the hair becomes dry and becomes soggy and oily and sticks to the scalp. Dandruff is the major problem that is caused in winter season. There are stages in dandruff, the problem is not known when the problem is in first stage but from the second stage onwards, it becomes horrible to bare it if proper care is not taken. There is also a danger of complete hair fall if proper care is not taken for the dandruff.

How to Control Dandruff?

* Taking head bath thrice a week is compulsory that to using anti dandruff shampoo for the first time and normal shampoo for the next two times is preferable.

* Hot oil massage is to be done once in a week.

* Take 8 glasses of water daily and must also add leafy vegetables and citrus fruits in the food is preferable.

* The usage of hair driers is not preferable as it may increase the problem of dandruff and on the other hand the hair becomes dry. So its safe to dry the hair naturally under sunlight.

Home based treatment for Dandruff

Henna, Hibiscus Leaves Powder – 6 tsp each

Eucalyptus oil – 1tsp

Lime juice – 2tsp

Coco milk – little bit.

Mix all the ingredients in coco milk into a fine paste and apply this paste to the hair and scalp and do the head bath after ½ hour. This shows best result in bringing back the lost shine to the hair and even the dandruff is controlled.

Parlor Treatment for Dandruff

If the problem is too much it’s better to consult the specialist and take the treatment under their guidance. The treatments given in the parlor is:

o By applying the hydrating serum to the scalp and treatment is given wit high frequency for 5 min.

o Red light treatment for two min and also applying Hydrating Dandruff pack to the complete hair.

o Conditioning by Amla and sikakai shampoos and steaming.

How To Shake Dandruff Flakes Away

If you have dandruff, do not worry about being alone with your problem. With one out of every two people in the entire world having, or having had, that same problem as yours, you are definitely not alone with it. Dandruff is a common hair problem. Embarrassing indeed, but a very, very common problem nonetheless.

What causes dandruff? Well, you see, our entire skin, from our scalps to the soles of our feet, sheds dead skin cells on a daily basis. We get a complete coating of new skin every 28 days or so, but we hardly even notice it.

Our bodies also play host to a lot of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, feeding off on the sebaceous oils that our skin produces. Our scalp in particular is home to a kind of fungus called malassezia fungus, and its food is the oils produced by the hair follicles of our scalp. Dandruff happens when, for some reason or another, the malassezia fungus goes crazy and irritates our scalp, causing the dead skin to shed a lot faster. So, instead of shedding the dead skin cells of our scalp for a month, the shedding happens in less than two weeks, and the oil that our hair follicles produce cause these dead skin cells to clump together and become dandruff. Until now, the factors that trigger this phenomenon with the malassezia fungus are still the subject of research.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, and it can recur despite your best efforts. But with proper hair care, the recurrence of dandruff can be controlled. The best way to keep the flakes at bay is to shampoo your hair every day - picture perfect hair.

Dandruff can, of course, become stubborn, so if washing everyday with your regular shampoo does not stop the flakes from becoming haywire, the next best thing to do would be to start using anti-dandruff shampoos. Look for anti-dandruff shampoos with zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid or ketoconazole as the active ingredient. To keep your scalp from developing immunity to these shampoos, go ahead and rotate brands at least once a month.

For optimum results, you can lather your hair with the shampoo of your choice twice. The first wash will clear the scalp of the flakes and the oil buildup. The second one would let the chemicals in the shampoo get absorbed by the scalp - haute hair.

You can also try homemade remedies to wash the flakes away and to keep the dandruff from recurring. What is considered the best homemade remedy to dandruff is a vinegar wash. Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water and rub it against your scalp before you go to bed, then wrap your head with a towel. Apply the same solution to your hair once again in the morning when you wake up, then rinse it with water. You do not have to worry about the smell of vinegar in your hair, as the smell of vinegar does evaporate eventually.

Whatever you do, never, ever scratch the clumps with your fingernails. It will cause wounds on your scalp.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, but it is not unmanageable. Just take good care of your hair and the flakes will go away.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Style Your Hair but Keep it Looking Natural

Everyone probably wishes they were natural beauties from top to toe, just getting out of bed looking like an angel without putting any effort in to your looks. Well unfortunately everyone is not that lucky. Thanks to some fashionistas and celebrities the natural beauty trend has been created where you leave the house in the morning looking gorgeous without having had brushed your hair or even have put any make-up on. Here are some hints and tips on how to style your hair in the morning but still look like a natural beauty.

Natural Hair Style

An easy thing to do is to let your hair dry naturally after your shower; it might sound too obvious but it works. Or wash the hair in the evening and add some hair product such as curl gel and the gather all the hair in a bun and let it dry over night. In the morning you will have some natural waves and flicks.

You can also use a pair of ghd straighteners to create those waves and flicks. Make some waves in different sizes randomly in the hair. Then part the waves or flicks using your fingers and add just a tiny bit of hairspray or curl spray, just enough so you do not lose the natural look. The ghd IV styler is a quality pair of straighteners which suits most hair types. They are available to buy online at

If you want your hair looking natural but still big, use volume shampoo and conditioner; the effect may not last the whole day so add some holding hairspray.

Also try to avoid poker straight locks if you want the natural look; instead aim for the messy just got out of bed look.

Hair Loss Tips and Articles.

Please enjoy our articles about hair loss problem, we share tips on hair loss remedies and information about baldness problem in men and women.

5 Hair Care Best Practices for Preventing Hair Loss and Promoting Hair Growth - If you regularly wash your hair, style it with products or brush, you could potentially be damaging your hair or even hindering it's ability to grow. But with some advice you could make some minor changes to your hair care regime to change it from one that hinders hair growth to one that boosts hair growth. Read full article.

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss - There are different causes for hair falling. Most of the women experiences lots of hair loss after delivery, and many men go bald in their middle age. Hair loss or baldness can result from heredity, underlying medical condition, or even certain medications.

Breakthrough in Hair Loss Science - According to the Australian College of Dermatologists, approximately 60% of men will have significant hair loss by the age of 50, and 50% of women will also suffer from some hair loss by the age of 60.

When you lose your hair - in this article we describe factors responsible for hair loss in men and women.

Baldness of Women - this article contains information helpful for women with hair loss problemm. We take closer look at terms like: alopecia androgenica, alopecia areata and more.

Hair terminology - explanation of some important terms like: anagen, catagen and telogen - three phases of hair growth.

Casting hair - are you using any products for stimulate your hair growth? you may see strange results at the beginning, don't be afraid. In this article we explain what happens to your hair.

The diagnosis of progressing baldness - in this article we describe Norwood-Hamilton and Ludwig scale and connection with male and female hair loss problems.

Hair - what to do so they didn't fall out??!! - it may be really frustrating when we do not know how to deal with our hair loss problem. Doctor answers 13 questions, which you might ask yourself before.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tips For Healthy Teeth.

  1. Clean your teeth after eating by toothbrush and dental floss. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.
  2. Visit the dentist regularly. Periodontal disease of gums is common in adults and in older people. The dentist can remove plaque from teeth, reducing the number of bacteria - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  3. If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:
    Gums bleeding during brushing
    Red and/or swollen gums
    Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums
    Bad breath
    Loose teeth.
  4. Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  5. Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.
  6. Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.
  7. Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth.
  8. Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports.
  9. Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.
  10. Eating sweetened cereals dry is bad for teeth, always add milk.
  11. Drinking frequent cups of tea or coffee with sugar added will increase the risk of teeth decay.
  12. When less saliva is available on very hot days, one should not consume foods containing sugars that stick in the teeth.
  13. Chewable vitamin C tablets with or without sugar are acidic and are a hazard for not only children's teeth but also to adult's teeth. Do not use lemon juice for whitening because vitamin C will cause the teeth to lose calcium damaging teeth quicker than anything else.
  14. Tips for Babies teeth
    • Don't give babies a bottle containing milk, juice or a formula in bed, this is a not good for their teeth. The sugars from milk or juice around the mouth for long periods can lead to decay in a baby's little teeth.
    • Prolonged breast feeding with small feeds every few minutes can also lead to tooth decay.
    • When babies get teeth, it is important to give them foods to chew. Young children need help to clean their teeth properly.

Simple tips for healthy teeth as recommended by American Dental Association are given below.

  1. Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner. This takes just a few minutes a day. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.
  2. Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.
  3. See your dentist regularly for a dental examination and professional cleaning - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  4. If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:
    Gums bleeding during brushing
    Red and/or swollen gums
    Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums
    Bad breath
    Loose teeth
  5. Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.
  6. Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.
  7. Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth.
  8. Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  9. Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bengali: National Language of Bangladesh.

Bengali has been recognized as the official language of Bangladesh since its liberation in 1971. The measures taken in Bangladesh to protect Bengali during the 20th century illustrate its symbolic importance to the country’s national identity. Bengali developed as a dialectic language until its standardization in the nineteenth century.

As a prominent language in one of the most populated regions in the world, Bengali is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Many languages influenced the evolution of the Bengali language, and it most heavily relates to Sanskrit. Linguists identify three periods in the progression of the language; Old Bengali, Middle Bengali, and New Bengali.

Since Bengali adapted regionally rather than nationally, hundreds of local dialects existed for the south-Asian language until standardization attempts began in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Since many dialects still exist, regional Bengali could be incomprehensible to a Bengali speaker from another region.
Modern interpretations of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh sometimes fail to see beyond geographic boundaries. In reality, citizens of the Indian sub-continent are more historically linked through religion and language than they are bound by nation lines. This helps to explain the several linguistic movements throughout India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Different religious and regional affiliations became identified by their chosen language and were hard-pressed to give up their traditions.

After the formation of West and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) the Muslim government of Pakistan mandated that Urdu would be the national language, effectively banning Bengali from modern Bangladesh. Pakistan viewed Urdu as a Muslim language and as such, proper to represent the newly created Muslim state. Bangladesh, on the other hand, recognized Bengali as part of their regional history and refused to concede. Rather than identify with Pakistan as linked through Muslim beliefs, Bangladesh felt their sense of identity was defined more by regional affiliation and the attempted eradication of Bengali inspired East Pakistan’s nationalism.

In 1951 and 1952, the Bengali Language Movement inspired nationalist pride for a future Bangladesh. This feeling grew in intensity and culminated at a student protest where several people were slain for protesting against the national language. That day is now celebrated in Bangladesh on February 21st, and is known as International Mother Language Day.

In addition to Bangladesh, Bengali is one of the several recognized languages of India. The largest concentration of Bengali speakers outside of Bangladesh is in Assam and West Bengal in India, but the language has spread in large numbers to Europe and the American continents as well.

Bengali represents a strong symbol for the history of Bangladesh and embodies much of the country’s nationalistic tendencies. The constant shifting of borders and states throughout the sub-continent made language a strong representation of culture and this sentiment continues to exist today.

Laws of Bangladesh.

The current laws of Bangladesh mirror their Western origins, but maintain their own cultural and religious values. A recent change in the laws of Bangladesh separated the judicial branch from the executive, aiding the further removal of political corruption. Although the laws of the Bangladesh constitution inspire high-minded ideas of democracy and freedom, many citizens simply do not have access to these protections and have no idea of their guaranteed rights.

Similar to the American Bill of Rights, the laws of Bangladesh enumerate 23 fundamental rights, most of which are covered in the American Constitution or subsequent legal jurisprudence. Many Muslim leaders feel that democracy contradicts the laws of religion, but Bangladesh has managed to maintain their form of parliamentary democracy while observing their religion obligations. Some laws of Bangladesh included in the 23 fundamental rights are; the right to property, protection of right to life and personal liberty, and equality before law.

The judiciary system relies on a Supreme Court as its highest court to deliberate on the laws of Bangladesh. Until recently, the executive branch wielded great control over the Supreme Court making it a political body subjected to posturing and corruption. The great writers on democracy consistently recognized the necessity of a separate judicial branch to objectively rule on the laws of the land. The Bangladesh constitution originally intended for this separation, but as a result of widespread corruption, elected leaders sought to control this wing of government as well.

Widespread poverty and illiteracy limits the ability for the Constitution to guarantee equal protection of law to all Bangladesh citizens. The problem does not rest in the intent of the document, but the lack of trust the citizens have in governmental officials and law enforcement. Underlying the laws of Bangladesh is an insurgence of corruption that leaks injustice and favoritism, creating the perpetual sense of distrust.

The Bangladesh legal system’s Western roots come from the English, as the core of South Asian governmental infrastructure was created over the 300 year span of British colonialism. Instead of disposing of all draconian colonist thinking that contains inherent racism and disregard, the textual laws of Bangladesh integrate the Western philosophy of democracy with their values. As a document, the Bangladesh Constitution offers a mix of nationalism and individual freedom that resembles the historical struggles. Yet, in practice, the laws of Bangladesh fail to sift out incessant corruption and deliver equality to every citizen.

Bangladesh Politics and Student Activism.

Bangladesh has a long history of intense student protest surrounding national politics. Students in Bangladesh have led major political movements and helped dictate the course of Bangladesh politics. Most recently, much of this activity in politics has turned violent, and students no longer inspire movements but encourage turmoil.

The history of student involvement in Bangladesh politics dates back to the first nationalist movements of the former East Pakistan. The movement known as the Bengali Language Movement was led by student protesters refusing to give up their rights. As a result of growing tensions in Bangladesh surrounding the declaration of Urdu as the national language, governmental forces banned all public demonstrations. In 1952, student protests at Dhaka University challenging Pakistani politics led to police attacking the demonstrators and killing three students. Their death galvanized Bangladesh nationalism and started a long trend of student activism in politics.

It seems in recent years Bangladesh students have become as jaded by partisan politics as their fore bearers. Bangladesh student leaders tend to go back and forth between practical demonstration and inspiring mass violence. The politics of these student groups seem to be passed down from either prominent political party, demonstrating an obedience to party politics more than genuine grassroots demonstrations.

Regardless of the root of students’ activism in politics, these student leaders enter the Bangladesh national light quite often, with several becoming members of parliament. When opposition parties take office, they generally focus a large portion of their time on persecuting prominent members of the other Bangladesh parties and sadly, students are not free from this persecution. Student leaders involved in politics have been jailed without the constitutionally mandated trials for years at a time, while others have even been murdered in cold blood.
Since the recent restitution of Bangladesh government elections after widespread corruption, it appears some of the fanaticism in student politics has started to fade. However, when the army-backed interim government first disallowed political activity while they sorted out the rampant violence and corruption, students in Universities country-wide began to protest. Although the repression of rights by a governmental body should not be blindly accepted, the function of student politics morphed into violence. Active demonstration turned into extreme destruction as at least 200 individuals were hurt or killed and millions of dollars in property were destroyed.

The recent activities of student politics in Bangladesh are not indicative of a problem with youth, but rather, a lack of vision by elected officials. Possibly with good intentions, students function exactly as the ineffective party leaders and refuse to compromise. To break the cycle of a corrupt Bangladesh government, it must start with leaders instilling in students the need to work together towards a common goal.

Child Labor Laws in Bangladesh.

The world community criticized the nature of child labor laws in Bangladesh over the past fifteen years but statistically, the percentage of children in the workforce remains high. Due to a combination of poverty and persistent social aloofness to the necessity of stringent child labor laws, this trend will likely continue. Although several labor laws and federal agencies exist predicated on the elimination of children from the workforce, many families require the extra income while poverty-stricken regions of Bangladesh have little to offer in terms of education and skilled job training.

During the 1990s estimations of children in the Bangladesh workforce ranged from a couple million, upwards to 20 million, of children working in low-paying factory jobs. Following years of negligence by the fashion industry, outside pressures finally began forcing businesses to stop alienating the absence of strict labor laws. Regardless of new labor laws, children continue to be exploited as cheap unskilled labor as the string of poverty that forces young children into the workplace will not simply disappear. Children growing up in poor regions throughout Bangladesh lack access to educational institutions or job training that could end the circle of poverty that places children in extremely dangerous situations. Even with the passage of child labor laws, some traditional Bangladeshis see no problem with children in the workplace and refuse to comply with national findings. The link between education and child labor rates illustrates the need for a new focus on children education to work in conjunction with the stricter labor laws.

Bangladesh understands the need to hamper the nonconformity to labor laws, but the level of integration of children in the workforce poses inherent difficulty in phasing out this problem. Children beginning as young as 8 years old often work in garment factories, food-service, hotels, and essentially any factory setting. The initial measures to enforce child labor laws in Bangladesh focus on the creation of a uniformed policy the explicitly supplies working age and restriction. In addition, Bangladesh has ratified several recommendations passed on from the world community with regards to enforcing child labor laws.

The enactment of legislation in Bangladesh will prove inconsequential if the society at large fails to address the concern. To encourage citizens of Bangladesh to adopt an anti-child labor mentality, promises of education and vocational training need to become reality. Bangladesh needs to band together as a nation to eradicate continued child exploitation.

In the globalize world, such gross affronts to human rights rests not only on the governing nation but every country that handles imports, exports, or any business transactions with them. Bangladesh embraced the notion that labor laws need to reflect safe practice, specifically for children. On a public level, Bangladesh has begun addressing child labor laws but until the unregulated businesses of Bangladesh stop receiving money from international companies preferring the cheap child labor, no final steps will ever be made in the right direction.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Religious Influences in Bangladesh Politics .

Religious Influences in Bangladesh Politics.

Many nations world-wide struggle maintaining a balance between religion and politics. When Bangladesh gained independence from the Islamic nation of Pakistan, the nation supported a secular view on politics, focusing more on social liberties than religious fundamentalism. However, Bangladesh citizens are largely Muslim and since the signing of the constitution, laws have been enacted that encourage Islamic viewpoints.
Following the Indian partition of 1947, the Islamic nation of Pakistan consisted of modern day Pakistan and Bangladesh. The boundary lines were drawn this way because of the large populations of Islamic citizens. When Pakistan began pushing Muslim policy, such as naming Urdu the national language, Bangladesh citizens fought to retain their cultural identity. Islamic politics did not suit the future Bangladesh nation and they soon after pushed for their independence.

The makeup of Bangladesh helps explain their gradual shift to more religious-based politics in recent years. Nearly ninety percent of Bangladesh citizens are Muslim with smaller percentages of Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists. After separating from Pakistan–a nation based on Islamic principles–Bangladesh supported more secular politics. Since that time the largely Islamic population of Bangladesh has pushed national politics towards more Islamic principles.

Unlike many Islamic nations, Bangladesh politics maintain a strong focus on religious tolerance. The constitution protects religious observances of all faiths but some still claim social discrimination in national politics. Bangladesh law offers religious protection in all matters of life; marriage, employment, and politics. The gradual shift towards Islamic law came when the Bangladesh Nationalist Party took the mantle of conservative politics. Although the constitution specifies specific religious freedom, many individuals face pressure to convert or quell their religion practice by local politics and officials. Since the central government lacks infrastructure in many parts of Bangladesh, they struggle in delivering on the constitutional guarantees.
An interesting component to the religious politics of Bangladesh is the unique nature of their form of Islam. Since it evolved regionally, influenced by regional variation and Hinduism, the Bangladesh form of Islam differs and sometimes contradicts common views of Islamic orthodoxy.

Religion influences politics in every nation regardless of legal guarantees or separation. Even though Bangladesh offers equal protection to observe religious practices, the overwhelming majority of Muslim-based citizens creates a natural lean towards Islamic principles. The recent inauguration of the secular Awami League will likely change this recent shift in coming years to focus again of social liberties rather than religious observance.

Bangladesh and war crimes

Blighted at birth.

The odds are still stacked against an

effective tribunal.

NEARLY 40 years after perhaps 3m people died in Bangladesh’s war of secession from Pakistan, the government insists retribution is looming for those guilty of war crimes. Three months ago the government, led by the Awami League, of Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister, set up a war-crimes tribunal to try alleged perpetrators. This was one of the League’s main promises in the campaign for the election that it won in a landslide in December 2008. Many Bangladeshis, however, still doubt that the promise will be kept.

Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, became independent in December 1971 after a nine-month war against West Pakistan. The West’s army had the support of many of East Pakistan’s Islamist parties. They included Jamaat-e-Islami, still Bangladesh’s largest Islamist party, which has a student wing that manned a pro-army paramilitary body, called Al Badr. It is these collaborators the government wants to try, not the main culprits in the former West Pakistan army.

As far as the League and many citizens are concerned, this is a simple matter of validating the historical truth, which included appalling massacres and a concerted drive to wipe out the new nation’s intelligentsia. In 1995 a self-appointed panel of eminent citizens, co-ordinated by the current law minister, Shafique Ahmed, compiled “evidence” on individuals they accused of war crimes. The list includes many of the most senior figures in Jamaat-e-Islami. So far, no one has been charged, but the government has banned roughly 50 suspects from leaving the country. This week three senior Jamaat leaders were arrested on unrelated charges. To the opposition this smacked of petty harassment.

The United Nations and Western governments are wary of lending support to a tribunal unless it conforms to international standards of due process. But without foreign funds and technical support, those standards are unlikely to be met. Technical disputes over the process, however, mask a more fundamental worry: that in hunting those with four-decade-old blood on their hands, Sheikh Hasina is conveniently hounding her enemies. If the trials confirm the conclusions of the 1995 inquiry, the outcome might conceivably be the execution of nearly all of Jamaat’s leaders.

Posing perhaps an even bigger obstacle than Western scruples is Saudi Arabia, which sells its oil to Bangladesh at subsidised prices and employs more than 2m of its citizens. It is concerned about plans to reinstate the country’s 1972 constitution, with four “pillars” that include secularism (the others are nationalism, socialism and democracy). Saudi Arabia recognised Bangladesh as an independent country a few months after the assassination in 1975 of the country’s first prime minister, Sheikh Hasina’s father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. That paved the way for a return of religion-based parties, banned by the 1972 constitution. So reinstating and enforcing that original constitution might amount to an outright ban on Jamaat, the standard-bearer in Bangladesh for a conservative strain of Islam, and a staunch Saudi ally.

As for war-crimes trials, Mr Ahmed says Saudi Arabia has given the “green light”. Indeed, it has denied allegations that it opposes them. But the number of Bangladeshis taking up jobs in Saudi Arabia has dropped to under 800 a month, down from an average of 11,000 in 2008 and 17,000 in 2007. Not everyone blames the economic downturn.

Bangladesh Politics.

Bangladesh Politics.

On November 13th Mrs Zia was evicted from her home of nearly 30 years in Dhaka’s cantonment area. The move triggered a hartal, a protest strike called by Mrs Zia’s opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Violence broke out between her supporters and those of Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League (AL). The country’s third political force, the army, has backed the High Court’s eviction order. Shrewdly, Sheikh Hasina has allocated the vast plot surrounding Mrs Zia’s home for housing for the families of 57 military officers killed in a mutiny early last year, soon after the AL swept to power.

The eviction is part of the League’s mission to break the BNP’s back. It is obsessed with airbrushing from history the legacy of the political dynasty founded by Mrs Zia’s late husband, General Ziaur Rahman, hero of Bangladesh’s war of independence against West Pakistan in 1971.

Related topics

· Begum Khaleda Zia

· Bangladesh

· Bangladesh Nationalist Party

· Hasina Wajed

· Asia-Pacific politics

In February the government renamed Dhaka’s Zia International Airport after a respected Sufi saint. It has decided to “reprint” the 1972 constitution to reflect a landmark Supreme Court ruling in July which, among other things, declared null and void the rule of various military governments, including General Zia’s, following the assassination in 1975 of Bangladesh’s founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. (Sheikh Mujib, as he is usually known, happens to be the father of Sheikh Hasina.) In October a court issued an arrest warrant for Mrs Zia’s younger son in a money-laundering case. Four corruption cases stand against Mrs Zia, while 13 cases against Sheikh Hasina, filed during the army interregnum, have been withdrawn.

Yet the BNP was in a shambles even before the recent onslaught. The party has just 30 seats in a 300-strong parliament, which it boycotts. It is split: Mrs Zia can count only on the support of a minority of BNP leaders. Meanwhile, the leaders of the BNP’s main ally, Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh’s largest Islamic party, have all been jailed. They stand accused of alleged atrocities during the country’s war of secession, and face possible execution. The alliance has hurt the BNP’s reputation, particularly internationally, says Moudud Ahmed, a former prime minister and Mrs Zia’s lawyer. Yet the BNP needs Jamaat-e-Islami’s electoral support.

Mrs Zia’s only hope is that people will get fed up with rising prices, power shortages and the open encouragement by Sheikh Hasina’s government of the kind of predatory capitalism not seen since, well, Mrs Zia’s rule in 2001-06. The government’s high approval ratings are on the slide. At some point, Mrs Zia appears to calculate, mass adulation will attach to her eldest son and heir apparent, Tarique Rahman, now in British exile. Yet Mr Rahman, who left army custody with a snapped spinal cord in 2008, is the symbol of Mrs Zia’s kleptocratic rule. He is loathed even among the BNP’s leaders.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Hasina’s vendetta has the support of the Indian government, with whom Bangladesh’s relations are much improved. The end to Mrs Zia’s political dynasty has become almost a tenet of national security for India, which sees her family meddling in India’s domestic affairs. This month Mr Rahman’s right-hand man told investigators that the Pakistan embassy in Dhaka and the United Liberation Front of Asom, a militant group fighting for an independent homeland for ethnic Assamese in India’s north-east, paid the BNP (for which, read Mr Rahman) and Bangladeshi spooks some $10m for the secret transshipment to Indian insurgents of ten truckloads of arms.

Western governments also oppose Mr Rahman’s return. They supported the thinly veiled army coup in January 2007, which prevented the BNP from stealing an election. The coup also brought in a crackdown on fringe groupings of Islamic extremists courted by the former BNP government. Continuing the crackdown is a centrepiece of AL policy.

Despite the government’s sliding ratings, popular support for Sheikh Hasina’s clan dwarfs that for Mrs Zia’s. And with such a tailwind, it is extraordinary how the League remains stuck in a divisive politics based on personal grievances that go back nearly four decades. Time, you might think, to get on with governing.

What is avian influenza (Bird flu)?

FLU: As birds ready for trans-border migration beginning November, chances are that the avian flu virus too flies into new areas. Is this the beginning of pandemic? Nations are in a state of fear as the virus threatens to melt borders and spread the wings of death.

WITH the bird flu outbreak in Asia spreading to Europe, alarm bells have started ringing with the UN also asking for action. Tens of thousands of ducks and chickens have been culled to curtail the disease’s spread. As the human death toll continues to grow, many are concerned that the virus will mutate and trigger a human pandemic.

October to February is also a crucial period for the Indian authorities as this is the season when migratory birds visit the subcontinent. Many have already started arriving. Health has prepared a fact file on the flu’s spread.

What is avian influenza (Bird flu)?

Bird flu is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. Theses flu viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, bird flu is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them.

Bird flu and humans

There are many different subtypes of type A influenza viruses. These subtypes differ because of certain proteins on the surface of the influenza A virus (hemagglutinin{HA} and neuraminidase {NA} proteins). There are 16 different HA subtypes and 9 different NA subtypes of flu A viruses. Many different combinations of HA and NA proteins are possible. Each combination is a different subtype. All known subtypes of flu A viruses can be found in birds. However, when we talk about bird flu viruses, we are referring to influenza A subtypes chiefly found in birds. They do not usually infect humans, even though we know they can. When we talk about human flu viruses we are referring to those subtypes that occur widely in humans. There are only three known A subtypes of human flu viruses (H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2); it is likely that some genetic parts of current human influenza A viruses came from birds originally. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, and they might adapt over time to infect and spread among humans. Bird flu viruses do not usually infect humans, but several cases of human infection with bird flu viruses have occurred since 1997.

Human Symptoms

Symptoms of bird flu in humans have ranged from typical flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches) to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases (such as acute respiratory distress), and other severe and life-threatening complications. The symptoms of bird flu may depend on which virus caused the infection
The Spread

Infected Birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contaminated excretions or surfaces that are contaminated with excretions. It is believed that most cases of bird flu infection in humans have resulted from contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces. The spread of avian influenza viruses from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed to continue beyond one person.


Studies done in laboratories suggest that the prescription medicines approved for human flu viruses should work in preventing bird flu infection in humans.

However, flu viruses can become resistant to these drugs, so these medications may not always work. Additional studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of these medicines. People should avoid contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces, and should be careful when handling and cooking poultry.

Avian influenza A (H5N1) virus

Influenza A (H5N1) virus also called H5N1 virus is an influenza A virus subtype that occurs mainly in birds. Outbreaks of influenza H5N1 occurred among poultry in eight countries in Asia during late 2003 and early 2004. It is believed that these outbreaks are ongoing. Most recently, influenza H5N1 has been reported among poultry in Turkey and Romania. Human infections of influenza A (H5N1) have been reported in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. In Hong Kong the virus caused severe respiratory illness in 18 people, 6 of whom died. Since that time, there have been other cases of H5N1 infection among humans. Recent human cases of H5N1 infection that have occurred in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have coincided with large H5N1 outbreaks in poultry. The World Health Organization (WHO) also has reported human cases in Indonesia. Most of these cases have occurred from contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces; however, it is though that a few cases of human-to-human spread of H5N1 have occurred.

So far, spread of H5N1 virus from person to person has been rare and has not continued beyond one person. However, because all influenza viruses have the ability to change, scientists are concerned that the H5N1 virus one day could be able to infect humans and spread easily from one person to another. Because these viruses do not commonly infect humans, there is little or no immune protection against them in the human population.

If the H5N1 virus were able to infect people and spread easily from person to person, an influenza pandemic (worldwide outbreak of disease) could begin. No one can predict when a pandemic might occur.

However, experts from around the world are watching the H5N1 situation in Asia very closely and are preparing for the possibility that the virus may begin to spread more easily and widely from person to person.

H5N1 virus treatment

The H5N1 virus currently infecting birds in Asia that has caused human illness and death is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, two antiviral medications commonly used for influenza. Two other antiviral medications, oseltamavir and zanamavir, would probably work to treat flu caused by the H5N1 virus, but additional studies still need to be done to prove their effectiveness.

Vitamins That Help Improve Your Eyesight.

Eyesight degeneration is something that naturally happens to everyone during the process of aging. Prescription or over-the-counter treatments can help slow or remedy this process and laser eye surgery has been increasing in popularity recently but there are less expensive ways to prevent or even reverse sight loss. One way of doing this is by ensuring that you consume specific vitamins through certain foods and by supplementing your diet with vitamins if necessary.

Refocusing your eyes at regular intervals, wearing sunglasses when in the glare, and refraining from unnecessarily straining your eyes are ways to keep them healthy— but proper nutrition is also key. The different parts of the eye and specifically the retina, the macula, and the lens all require a range of different nutrients to function properly and here are a few of the essential ones.

The three main vitamins necessary for maintaining good eyesight are vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A improves vision during the nighttime and in low-light. A concentrated amount of vitamin A can be found in carrots, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, squash, eggs, cheese, and butter. Next, vitamin C, an antioxidant that aids the prevention of cataracts, can be found in most fruits.

High quantities of vitamin C can be found in oranges and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C supplements have grown increasingly available because vitamin C increases immune system functionality. Then there is vitamin E, another antioxidant that prevents cell damage and aging in the eyes. Asparagus, avocado, milk, eggs, spinach, nuts, vegetable oils, and whole grain foods are all high in vitamin E.

Another substance, known as lutein, is found in many green vegetables and eggs and is important to preventing macular degeneration. Lutein is one of many types of cartenoids that can be found in vegetables, all of which help preserve eye health. Aside from fighting cataract development, lutein also slows macular degeneration in the eye that happens normally through aging. 10% of the population aged 66-74 experience macular degeneration and 30% of people 75-85 years old experience it. Some foods with high levels of lutein are kale, spinach, peas, broccoli, zucchini, and eggs. Zinc is also known to slow and prevent macular degeneration. The seeds of pumpkin, squash, and watermelon all contain zinc. Liver and roast beef are also foods that contain high quantities of zinc.

For retinal health, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil play an important role. One particular omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA has been found to improve color and depth perception. These oils can be integrated into any diet either by eating fish or by taking fish oil supplements.

Even if you are at the point where your eyesight may be getting worse due to age, you don’t have to worry too much or opt for expensive laser eye surgery. Glasses or contacts may become necessary, but to slow down the process of eye detriment— in addition to refocusing your eyes often and avoiding straining the eyes— having a diet that supplies you with the proper vitamins and nutrients can make seeing things clearly a little bit less of a hassle.


People need vitamins for healthy living and for proper functioning of their body parts. The need for vitamins differs from each other depending on certain things such as type of work, age, environmental stress load, genetics, and lifestyle. The vitamins can be obtained from the natural foods as well as from the supplements. The organic vitamins are the best for long-lasting effect and healthy living.

Most of the vitamin supplements are produced from chemicals. The chemicals used are made to mimic the natural properties of vitamins in the natural foods, but as they are synthetic, they do not yield perfect result for the body. The vitamin that is got from the natural food is the perfect one for everyone and they are exactly what everyone needs. Also, natural foods contain other required nutrient for the body. Organic vitamins are primarily made to enhance the vitamin level in the blood and they also support good health.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to get vitamins from the organically grown foods than the chemically grown foods. If a person does not enough vitamins from the natural foods, then vitamin supplements are highly recommended. Organic vitamin supplements are considered better over synthetic as they do not contain any kind of fillers, additives, and dyes. Some of the inorganic supplements contain animal byproducts, which are very harmful for many people. For example, some people are very allergic to food dyes.

Because organic vitamins are made from natural substances, they contain pure form and highest quality of essential and beneficial nutrients for the body. Organic vitamins prevent the body from being exposed to various kinds of diseases and also cure the body from the existing diseases. Studies show that organic vitamins preserve the nature energy in the body and make people more active and keep people more energized throughout the day.

Non-organic also provide essential nutrients, but the method used for making this vitamin is not natural and hence the body will not be able to get the full vitamins and nutrients from these synthetic supplements. The unused parts of the synthetic vitamin go wasted and because of this organic whole food vitamins are highly recommended.

The organic vitamins can be easily chosen by carefully looking at the label pasted on it. The ingredients listed on the organic materials should not contain any kind of filler substances. In addition to the organic vitamin, it is better to take natural food items to have a balanced diet. Today, there are special organic vitamins that aim at particular parts of the body such as joints or particular muscles and these types are useful for many sport activities.

Organic vitamins help in faster recovery and provide higher energy required for the body. Organic vitamin is suitable for weight control and organic multivitamin provides several types of benefits for the body. With many choices available in the market, it makes easier for anyone to get more healthy and fresh by just consuming the organic vitamins regularly.

Watch your Cholesterol

Initial treatment. Reducing dietary calories and intake of saturated fat, and consuming a high-fibre diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables are obvious first steps. Other dietary measures exist, and here is an overview of the most popular ones.

The American heart association (AHA) recommends at least two servings of fatty fish per week to prevent heart disease. The omega – 3 fatty acids in fish lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. According to the AHA, fish oil supplements, which contain massive amounts of omega – 3 fatty acids, are recommended only in refractory hypertriglyceridemia and are not meant for the general population. Vegetarian sources of omega 3 fatty acids include canola oil, soyabeanoil, flaxseed oil and nuts. Consuming moderate amounts of nuts definitely helps lower cholesterol particularly the bad cholesterol. One study showed that taking 20 percent of daily calories from a PUFA rich source like almonds or walnuts significantly lowered the bad lipids, Green tea and not black tea or oolong tea, has a similar beneficial effect.

Garlic: Something that smells this bad ought to do something good, and garlic indeed has many healthful properties but lowering cholesterol is not one of them. Sorry. And the same goes for soy protein which has only a minor effect on blood cholesterol. Soy protein is a great food but it is not worth having just for the sake of cholesterol.

Guggulipid made from the resin of the mukul myrrh tree, is a controversial product. Indian studies attest to its cholesterol,lowering effect but American research does not bear it out. Moreover, there are questions about the quality of the Indian research that led to the claims of health benefit. Pity.

Red yeast rice: This is a fermented rice dish popular in Chinese cuisine. It contains monacolins, which are substances with HMG COA reductase inhibitor activity similar to that of the statin drugs used to lower blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, not all strains of the rice have the same activity, and extracts of red yeast rice are poorly standardized.

Calcium Supplements improve the composition of blood lipids, and a diet high in calcium is inversely associated with cardiovascular risk. However, in postmenopausal women, who are the chief target of calcium and Vitamin D supplements, there is no reduction of cardiovascular risk with such supplements